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 Membantu Orang Tua dalam Dunia Digital           Mungkin membantu orang tua bagi setiap orang adalah kewajiban. tetapi kenapa aku menyebut hal itu sebuah empati ? pernahkah kalian berpikir ketika kita kecil kita tidak tau apa apa kemudian bertanya hal yang sepele, pastinya orang tua kita akan menjelaskan sebaik mungkin dengan bahasa yang mudah kita mengerti. Lain hal dengan kita ketika orang tua meminta diajari cara menyalin teks WA saja atau hal sepele lainnya dalam hal sosmed/ hal terkini. kita sering sedikit malas, menyepelekan, dan bergumam "Ihh itu gampang banget, masa gak bisa ? ". Bahkan tidak sedikit dari kita yang langsung mengambil smartphone dan melakukan hal yang ditanyakan tanpa mengajari pada orang tua kita karena terlalu malas menjelaskan. Oleh karena itu jika kita dapat  merasakan dan mengerti perasaan orang tua kita saat itu sebagaimana kita kecil dulu, maka kita pasti menjelaskan dengan bahasa dan sikap terbaik sehingga orang tu...

Batas antara Perumahan dan Perkampungan

                                                             Batas antara Perumahan dan Perkampungan      Perumahan adalah sekelompok rumah atau bangunan lainnya yang dibangun bersamaan sebagai sebuah pengembangan tunggal. sedangkan pekampungan adalah kelompok rumah yang merupakan kampung. Sebenarnya kedua hal itu merupakan hal yang sama hanya saja setiap orang memiliki paradigma yang berbeda dengan keduanya.     Daerah lingkungan tempat tinggal saya adalah perumahan walaupun begitu sebelum perumahan itu dibuat daerah tersebut adalah pekampungan sehingga saya tinggal diperumahan yang dikelilingi perkampungan. Saat saya ingin pergi ke pusat kota saya merasakan perbedaan dimana orang orang diperumahan lebih tertutup dan menjaga privasi sedangkan perkampungan lebih terasa kebersamaan...

Natural phenomenon : Black hole

Blackhole       Black hole is a part of space time wich have a big gravitation so the particle and electromagnetic radiation such as light can't go from it.      Black hole formed from the star who run out of flue so it can do the fusion so it makes the gravitation and radiation not balance. The gravitation become very high but the radiation become very low. The big gravitation make big density and can make two option. The first one is the star died become thing that have a heavy mass with high density or its explosion become Supernova. After become Supernova that also two probability that it can be new star that we call it nebula or things that have big gravitation and will pull anything around it that we call Black hole.      There are three type of Black hole. First is Mini Black hole, Stellar Black hole, and Supermassive Black hole. Mini black hole is small black hole. stellar black hole is black hole wich have shape 2...

Aspiration Day (The millennials dare to speak)

Aspiration Day      Hello everyone now I want to tell you about one event in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung called Aspiday it's a abbreviation of Aspiration Day. It was a series of event wich held by PK or "Perwakilan Kelas". It held on Friday 26th of April 2019 (the festival) and Kilas wich will be held on May 2019.             The festival present a Talk show from an important person and there is a special performance from indie band called amigdala. There are two lesson discussed the first about how to communicate the aspiration and the second about the leadership.      The first Talk show talk about the way we communicated the aspiration delivered by Mrs. Keri lestari she is a vice rector from Padjajaran University. This is the point of her talk show. If we want to aspire we should know to whom we communicate, and then we should explain the fact and based on data , after that we should think twice and review about...

Example: Letter of recommendation

Bandung, March 4th 2019 To : Prof.Ir.Panut Mulyono,M.Eng.,D.Eng. Rector of Gadjah Mada University Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Dear Mr Panut I recommend Kania Azzahra Djajawardjhana as student who will enroll to Gadjah Mada University. I have taught her Biology during three years. She is one of my best students, She is diligent, brilliant, hard worker, careful, and discipline student. She likes listening to the music because of that she also a clam student. she also the ambivert student, So she can adapt to her environment. She is one of the youngest student that I have. she go to junior high school at 11 years and go to senior high school at 13 years old and will graduated from senior high school at 16 years old. although young she is very smart and responsible to her work and study. Her proficiency and dedicated work during study impressed me . She is perfectionist about her studies and assignments which place her above all. As I tried to know about her, I found tha...


Bakti Desa     Hello everyone now I want to tell you about one activities wich held from SMA 3 Bandung and the name of the activities is Bakdes or Bakti Desa It's means that us who the student of SMA 3 Bandung will be go to the village and help the civilian do their work and do the life like them.      In first day I go to SMA 3 Bandung to gathering and there are some briefing and information about the activities after all student get attendance check we go to our car and the name of the car is "angkot" and we enjoy the trip and the way to that village. The village name is "Desa Cibeureum" its far from our school approximately it took 2 our to go there. so in the car I and my friend listening to the music, chitchat, have a joke, sleep, eat, and do many things.      After we arrived. We gathering in the hall of village office and then there are some welcome from the headman and other after that my class and other class separated to each R...

My goal

            It's Me      Hello my name is Rd Elviana people call me elvi. I'm the oldest child in my family I have one sibling it's my Little brother.he is 10 years old know and I'm a student of SMA 3 Bandung. I was born in Garut, 5th of May 2003 so now I am 15 years old. my favorite food are vegetables and fruits  and my favorite drinks are water and milk.      In a leasure time sometime I play a game, read a novel, listening to the music and sleep. I know sleep is not a hobby but just a needed but I very love it I don't know why maybe because I do nothing when I sleep and Its not take much energies and I have an experience that I have sleep 14 hour a day. I like a fantasy and fiction genre because it's very interesting. And I think I'm a moody girl because I do activities depends on my mood and I sometime can be very diligent like do homework very fast and in another time very lazy like just laying my body...