Formal Invitation
3 Senior High School Jl. Belitung no. 8 Bandung,West Java Indonesia post code 22222 telp 333-1-333 fax 333 No : 1345/inf/73/Qb Bandung, 1st September 2020 Attachment : - Content : Parents meeting To : All Parents Dear Parents Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb with this letter we would like to invite you to attend our annual meeting which will discuss the school curriculum and new management of school committee which will be held on : Place : New Hall SMA 3 Bandung Date : Friday, September 7th 2020 Time : 09.00 am - 13.00 RSVP : 12345678 or We do appreciate if you can attend the meeting since it is the one of our top priorities. please let us ...
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