Inspiring Person

 Biography of B.J Habibie 

Hasil gambar untuk gambar presiden habibie dan ainun

     B.J Habibie is one of the role models and a pride for many people in Indonesia. He is the third president of Indonesia. His full name and title is Prof. DR (HC). Ing. Dr. Sc. Mult. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie. He was born in Pare-pare, South Sulawesi on 25th of June 1936. he is the fourth of eight children of a couple  Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardono. He married Hasri Ainun Habibie on 12th of may 1962 and have two children that are Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal.
     Habibie became an orphan since his father passed away on 3rd of September 1950 because his father got a heart attack. After his father Passed away, His mother sell her house and her vehicle then move to Bandung with her children. His mother work hard to finance her son.
     Habibie's childhood passed along with his siblings in Pare pare. His hobbies are horseback riding and reading and he is known very smart since  in elementary school.
After that Habibie study in Gouvernments Middlebare School. In senior high school his intelligence is prominent in the exact subjects. Because of his Intelligence he go to ITB. but he doesn't finish the college because he received a scholarship from the minister of education and culture.
     In Indonesia, Habibie become minister of research and technology or leader of BPPT for 20 year, Leader of ICMI (Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia), Lead strategic state owned enterprises, and he was chosen to be vice president and then become the third president of Indonesia after Soeharto in 1998. In Habibie's tenure referendum happens in Timor Timur , until Timor Timur secede from Indonesia. In his short tenure, Habibie has laid the foundation for democratic life and regional unity in Indonesia with the enactment of the law on regional autonomy, political parties, electoral law and the composition of the House of Representatives / People's Consultative Assembly.
     Dwon from the post of president. Habibie backs to germany with his family. In 2010 Ainun died because of cancer. As a therapy for the loss of a loved one, Habibie made a writing about the love story with Ainun which was then recorded with the title "Ainun and Habibie" and has been filmed with the same title.
Why this person is very important to because of his intelligent and I very like his writing which title "Ainun and Habibie" its very romantic and inspiring to work hard grab my dream.

source :
suherli,suryaman maman istiqomah. 2016.buku bahasa Indonesia.Jakarta.Pusatkurikulum dan pembukuan, Balitbang, kemendikbud

1.Who is the person in the text?
a. Alwi Abdul Jalil habibie
b. Ilham Akbar Habibie
c. Thareq Kemal Habibie
d. Bacharuddin jusuf Habibie

2.When B.J Habibie weas born?
a. 25th of June 1936
b. 03rd of September 1950
c. 12th of may 1962
d. 15th december 1988

3. what title of novel about habibie's love story?
a. Ainun Habibie
b. B. J . Habibie
c. Hasri Ainun Habibie
d. love in Germany

4. When habibie's father passed away?
a. 30th of October2002
b. 7th of October 2001
c. 3rd of September 1950
d. 12th of November 2002

5. Where Habibie spend his chilhood ?
a. Bandung
b. Pare-pare
c. Germany
d. Jakarta


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