Immortal Jellyfish

This species name is Turritopsis dhornii it is a small clasification of Jellyfish. The diameter of its body is 4.5 mm and the tall same as the wide. and it has a large red stomatch and they can found in mediteranian sea or japanese sea. they eat plankton.
The classification of turritopsis dhornii :
Species:T. dohrnii
Life cycle
There are two phase of reproduction that are asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. asexual reproduction happens when zygote grown become planula and become polip and then stick in a substrat grown become adult polip and produce medusa. While the sexual reproduction happens when adult medusa produce gamete (ovum and sperm) and then fertilization and produce zygote. usually after produce gamete adult medusa in jellyfish will die but adult medusa in jellyfish will regeneration they old cell become young cell because of this they call immortal because they can't die because aging factor, but they can also die because predatorism, physical damage, environmental pollution. Long life cycle of this spesies affected by temperature of the sea. if the temperature is 20 degre c this spesies can become adult from the zygote during 25 until 30 days . but if the temperature 22 degre celcius this spesies can become adult from the zygote during 18 until 22 days.
1.What name of the animal in the text ?
a. Jellyfish
b. Turritopsis dhornii
c. Plankton
d. Cnidaria
answer B
2.How long the diameter of Turitopsis dhornii?
a. 4.5 mm
b. 4.5 cm
c. 5 mm
answer A
3. How many reproduction phase of this species?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
answer B
4. Why they call immortal ?
a. Because they strong and there is nothing can harm them
b. Because they can swim very fast
c. Because they have a poison
d. Because they can regeneration their cell to young cell
answer D
5. What thing that can make Turritopsis dhornii died except?
a. Physical damage
b. Predatorism
c. Aging
d. The environmental pollution.
answer C
c. Aging
d. The environmental pollution.
answer C
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