Debate in XI MIPA 9

Round 1 because in first round I became participant so I don't write the resume. But the point of the debate is a death penalty for the corrupter and I will write my opinion.

1) Opening Government :
I and my team agree that corrupter should have a death penalty because they stole money from civilians and it's very harm the country and we know if the corrupter just go to the prison they or the other corrupter will do corrupt again because they don't scare and they never be cured of a habit.

Round 2 ( THW ban all pornography)

1) Opening Government
So they agree about ban all pornography because pornography can addictive and more dangerous than smoke and drugs. It can damage our brain especially a child and teenagers and pornography degrade woman too because there are many woman who do the bad behavior.

2) Opening Opposition
They disagree because pornography can be a sexual education and it is entertain us and it depend the person or the parents to keep their child or teenage who under age so they don't watch and do the pornography.

3) Closing Government
Porn can damage brain and if teenage watch it there will be curious things in teenage brain to do that so it can be a supporting factor of HIV, teenage pregnancy, abortion and other things.

4) Closing Opposition

Porn can be a good business like in japan and USA. In USA adult film Industry get more money income than NBA. So it can help income for a country.

Winner : Personally , I choose opening government is a winner because the fact it's very complete and clear. 


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